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Züllig & Partner Treuhand AG
Mitglied des STV / ZTV
Bahnhofstrasse 9
CH-6340 Baar

Phone:  +41 (0)41 769 60 70
Fax:        +41 (0)41 769 60 75

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Hallo to you all!

Trust services have experienced a major change over the past 36 years. The traditional services such as bookkeeping, the filling out of tax returns and the checking of past values have been replaced by cmprehensive servicing and, above all, advising concerning the entire business environment of clients.

The rapid development of electronic data processing and telecommunications has facilitated the processing of recurring work tasks; on the other hand, however, it requires constant updating of the technical devices and the learning of their uses.

Politics and government have adjusted to the fast-moving times and are constantly introducing new laws, regulations, decrees and ordinances or amending existing ones. What was applicable yersterday can be completely different tomorrow. The once-declared commitment to reducing administrative workloads has developed in the opposite direction. Those responsible for the management of SME's feel increasingly overstretched when it comes to dealing with the numerous administrative requirements. Above all, however, they lose valuable time that is urgently required for other matters in their company.

A trust company which wihes to provide effective help and accompaniment for SME entrepreneurs must come to terms with these requirements. The permanent training and further training of its personnel is an absolute must. It will never be possible for one individual to cover all specialist areas in a competent manner.

In recent years, our company, which was founded 36 years ago, has developed into a serious competitor amongst the many companies in the Zug region and beyond. Not only we, but also our clients benefit from the maintaining and expansion of our comprehensive network.

As mentioned at the beginning, the requirements on a trust company wishing to provide clients with a comprehensive service have increased enormously. Specialisation in the various areas such as accounting, auditing, tax advising, administrative management, etc., requires optimally qualified staff. We do everything within our power to encourage the training and further training of our staff, and spend roughly 4% of our turnover on this each year. As we are dependent on next-generation professionals from within the industry, we are constantly training trainees.

Summary: Offering clients comprehensive benefits in the complex and increasingly fast-moving business world can only be achieved with well-trained specialists who are constantly updating their knowledge. We face up to these challenges.